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"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."- Psalm 19:1 

Did you know the Psalms were written by various authors over a 1,000 year period? These songs and prayers cover a variety of topics and forms and because of this, believers can find comfort and encouragement for almost anything they are dealing with in their life. 

Join Pastor Mike Fabarez in this deep dive on the Book of Psalms and be reminded of God's awesome power and majesty over all of creation.

"I am so thankful that God included the Psalms in His inspired Word. No matter what we are going through in life there is a Psalm to help us. They encourage me during trials. They exhort me when I'm feeling tired. They remind me of God's awesome power and majesty and they affirm his sovereignty over all of creation. I trust that these messages will help you in the same way” - Mike Fabarez 

A Study Through 

The Book Of
