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For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.-

 Luke 19:10

The Gospel of Luke represents one of the finest accounts of the life of Christ. Written by a gentile to a gentile, the physician Luke provides a well-researched and orderly account of the life and events of Jesus.

If you desire to better understand the heart, the concerns and priorities of our Lord, then give yourself to a detailed study of Luke's Gospel. Get this free downloadable collection of Pastor Mike Fabarez' teachings to help you get started. 

"I love the Gospel of Luke. I always have. It has been my favorite of the four Gospels because of its straightforward and hard-hitting depiction of the live and ministry of Jesus Christ. I appreciate that Luke, the physician turned historian, was enlisted by God to pen this thorough and forthright portrait of the long awaited Messiah." - Pastor Mike Fabarez

A Study Through 

The Book Of
