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Grace to You
with John MacArthur
“Four Ways to Miss Heaven”
You’ve probably heard that a Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. One reason for that . . . when you devote yourself to reading and meditating on God’s Word, you’ll be continually reminded of the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
“Four Ways to Miss Heaven”
You’ve probably heard that a Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. One reason for that . . . when you devote yourself to reading and meditating on God’s Word, you’ll be continually reminded of the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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About John MacArthur
John MacArthur is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, president of The Master’s College and Seminary, and featured teacher with the Grace to You media ministry. Grace to You radio, video, audio, print, and website resources reach millions worldwide each day. Over four decades of ministry, John has written dozens of bestselling books, including The MacArthur Study Bible, The Gospel According to Jesus, The New Testament Commentary series, The Truth War, and The Jesus You Can’t Ignore. He and his wife, Patricia, have four married children and fifteen grandchildren.